Health & Social Care BTEC
Health and Social Care is part of everybody's life, from birth. Our goal is to inspire learners to work in a sector which has such a huge impact on people, providing them with rewarding careers in the process. Studying a BTEC in Health and Social Care prepares our learners for various pathways into the sector, providing them with a flexible range of skills. Many of our learners progress in HE to continue their academic qualifications in specialist Health Care and Social Care courses. Health and Social Care jobs is an area of growth in Bristol and the NHS is a major employer in the city and surrounding areas.
How the course is examined?
External assessment
- 1x 1 hour 30 minute exam (Year 12) on Unit 1 Human Lifespan and Development (90 marks)
- 1 x 1 hour 30 minute exam (Year 12) on Unit 2 Working in Health & Social Care (85 marks)
- 1 x written task under exam conditions (Year 13) (65 marks)
- Leaners can sit each exam twice a year (Jan and Jun) and are entitled up to 2 resit opportunities.
Internal assessment
Learners are assessed using authorised assignment briefs. Learners complete 2 internally assessed units in Year 12 and 2 in Year 13.
How is the course structured?
Year 12 Mandatory Units | Year 13 Mandatory Units |
Unit 1 Human Lifespan and Development (External Assessment) This unit will develop your knowledge and understanding of patterns of human growth and development. You will explore the key aspects of growth and development, and the experience of health and wellbeing.
Unit 2 Working in Health & Social Care (External Assessment) This unit will help you to understand what it is like to work in the health and social care sector. When working for an organisation in this sector, you will have important responsibilities that you need to understand and carry out.
Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (Internal Assessment) In this unit, you will learn about the values and principles of meeting care and support needs and look at some of the ethical issues that arise when personalising care. |
Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care (External Assessment) In this unit, you will find out about the different research methods that can be used to gather information and the ethical issues that need to be considered. You will review research carried out into a contemporary issue in the sector, and will develop skills that will enable you to carry out your own secondary research into the issue.
Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care (Internal Assessment) This unit will develop your knowledge and understanding of the key principles relating to safeguarding vulnerable individuals, promoting health and safety, and responding to different situations and emergency incidents in health and social care settings.
Unit 8 Promoting Public Health (Internal Assessment) This unit will give you an understanding of the aims of public health policy. You will explore how patterns of health and ill health of the population are monitored and how this leads to the development of public health policy. You will consider factors affecting health locally and nationally. |
Year 12 Optional Unit | Year 13 Optional Unit |
Unit 10 Sociological Perspectives (Internal Assessment) You will gain an understanding of the different sociological perspectives and concepts, and consider how these can be applied to health and social care. |
Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care (Internal Assessment) In this unit, you will learn about the signs and symptoms of physiological disorders and how they are investigated and diagnosed. You will also learn about the different types of treatment and support available for individual service users, including surgery, rehabilitation and complementary therapies. |